The Los Angeles Times features the Inner City Shakespeare Ensemble led by the indomitable Melanie Andrews. A force of nature. Click on the link to read:


The amazing Melanie Andrews






A healthy culture needs theater!!!!






This is a lovely history of the Antioch Shakespeare Festival founded in the 1950s by our fathers: Arthur Lithgow (mine) and Meredith Dallas (hers).  It was an amazing time, an amazing childhood, brilliant theatre, and almost unbearable to watch in this theatre-free desert of the quarantine.

Click here to view the video




This is an interview done for Jacke Wilson’s delightful podcast: The History of Literature.  It was so much fun to do!


Click here to hear the interview


Children in drama class at Westminster School explore the Mexican trickster story, “The Rabbit and the Coyote”

Click HERE to read the article in VeniceLiving about the Elementary Theatre Program, which is in its twentieth year.Venice Living


Antioch Shakespeare Festival: John Lithgow, Robin Lithgow, and Tony Dallas

StageThis is a podcast done for the Folger Library.  It’s a fun listen, and gives some information about my childhood familiarity with Shakespeare’s plays.

Click here to go to podcast.

An article in Venice Living that describes my book project, June 2019.

Venice Living

As a retired educator, Lithgow has just written a book aimed at teachers and parents about the benefits of the performing arts in education. ”It’s about the cognitive benefits of the performing arts in schools,” she explains. “And it takes a look at the schools Shakespeare and his contemporaries went to.” ⁠— Betty Bailey

Robin & Tim Venice Living June19 CS

TedX Talk by my daughter, Pesha Rudnick, April 2019

Pesha Rudnick Ted XThis is a TedX talk done in Boulder, CO by my daughter, Pesha Rudnick, who is the artistic director of the Local Theatre Company.  It’s a lovely piece about impact of live theatre, and I’m not just saying as a proud mama.

Go to the TedX Talk.




The Arts Prepare the Mind for Learning!

Arts Prepare MindA great article about how important the arts are for the development of cognition. Richard Mulcaster said it 500 years ago.  Plato said it more than 2000 years ago. Here it is again.

‘Arts teaching could become more important than maths in tech-based future’ – education expert, Andreas Schleicher

Go To Article.