A great article about how important the arts are for the development of cognition. Richard Mulcaster said it 500 years ago. Plato said it more than 2000 years ago. Here it is again.

‘Arts teaching could become more important than maths in tech-based future’ – education expert, Andreas Schleicher

Go To Article.

6 replies
    • robinlithgow
      robinlithgow says:

      Great to hear from you. Norway!? Tell me more!
      I’m working on my social media platform. Apparently that’s what you need now to get a nonfiction book published. So glad you will follow my blog.

  1. Sherry J Kerr
    Sherry J Kerr says:

    Dear Robin,
    I’m very excited about your blog!!! Thank you for creating a space for dialogue (Ha, ha I just realized I’m rhyming. Hey, I feel like writing a poem or a rap!!!!! This blog inspires creativity!!
    When educators read Robin Lithgow’s book they will understand how the arts have influenced learning throughout history. The historical perspective that Robin brings to the global discussion around the arts deepens our understanding of drama, dance, music and the visual arts as a learning methodology for all aspects of our social, emotional and intellectual education. I look forward to following, participating and sharing information with Robin as the facilitator of these critical discussions.
    Dr. Sherry J Kerr
    Arts Integration Consultant
    Educational Drama Specialist


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